Leaving a marriage or a long-term relationship may not be easy, but it’s less complicated and stressful when you have the right exit strategy. You’ll want to consider various factors and options you can do to give you a more favorable outcome. While this kind of discussion, and the decision-making that goes with it, isn’t always easy. Protecting yourself (and minor children if you have any) is extremely important. You’ll want to make sure you’re doing this the right way. Here’s what to consider.
Know Where You Are in the Process
If you’re the one who’s planning to end your relationship, you already know it’s going bad. That gives you a bit of an advantage because it allows you to start focusing on what you need to do. You can look at your finances, your custody beliefs/ideas, where you want to live, how separation may affect your work, insurance, and other areas of life. It’s easier to move through all of that when you’re the one who’s focused on making it happen.
If you get blind-sided by your partner wanting out, you’ll likely have a very different experience. As difficult as it is, even the most committed partners should be aware of what they would do if they needed an exit strategy. That tiny bit of preparation and thought could potentially save them a lot of heartaches later. Some people find the idea of having an exit strategy to be offensive or upsetting, especially if they have a happy relationship. However, having a plan is a form of self-protection.
Keep an Eye Out for Warning Signs
Many people are shocked when a partner “suddenly” wants out of a relationship. They try to figure out what changed and why their partner, who said they loved them, wants to leave. It may seem like it happens overnight, but it doesn’t. If the shocked partner looks back objectively, they can see the pattern of an exit strategy that the other partner was building. That could have been going on for months, or it might have even been going on for years. Either way, it wasn’t sudden.
Watching out for those kinds of things in your relationship is a good idea because it can help you stay prepared with an exit strategy if needed in the future. That doesn’t mean to go into each day anticipating things going bad. It simply means that you should know what you would do if something went wrong. What practical steps would you take if your marriage or long-term relationship appeared to be ending? Knowing that can give you more peace of mind for the future and reduce anxiety.
Reach out to us at Hartley Law, APLC Et Al today if you’re considering ending your marriage or your long-term partner has decided they want out. You want to make sure you’re receiving all the legal rights you’re entitled to. Don’t let someone take advantage of you during a difficult time. We’re here to protect your interests.