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Understanding the different types of domestic abuse

Understanding the different types of domestic abuse
January 3, 2018

There are many widespread misconceptions about domestic violence. One of the most common is that domestic abuse is always physical in nature. In fact, there are many different types of domestic abuse that do not require physical violence.

Domestic abuse that is not physical can still be dangerous and traumatizing. It is also disturbingly pervasive. In this post, we will elaborate on the four different types of domestic abuse.

1. Physical

As we previously mentioned, one form of domestic abuse is physical violence. Physical violence can include a wide array of acts such as punching, kicking, slapping or choking. Some victims of physical violence tend to downplay the gravity of their abuse if their injuries are not severe. Even if an incident of violence is not severe enough to warrant hospitalization, it is still considered physical abuse.

2. Emotional and psychological

Destroying a victim’s self-worth through the use of insults, humiliation, criticism or other forms of degradation is considered emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is one of the most misunderstood forms of domestic violence. Many outsiders do not understand why someone who is not in physical danger would choose to remain with their spouse. In fact, victims of domestic abuse often stay with their spouses precisely because of this type of emotional and psychological manipulation.

3. Financial

Even though financial abuse is very common, it can be difficult for outsiders to observe. It involves one partner using finances to maintain control over the other. One example is withholding money, food or other resources from the victim, or preventing the victim from earning their own living outside of the home.

4. Sexual

Sexual abuse is one of the most common claims in domestic violence cases. Sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault and rape are all common forms of sexual abuse. Some people believe that one spouse cannot rape or sexually abuse the other, but this is not true. Couples who have engaged in consensual sexual activity can still experience sexual abuse at each other’s hands.

Ending domestic violence

It can be incredibly difficult for victims of domestic abuse to escape from their situations. Still, it is possible: There is no need to suffer alone. Survivors may wish to contact a lawyer who deals with domestic violence. Having a powerful advocate is a crucial step in ending domestic abuse.

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